Portapak Memories #1
Portapak Memories #1 - Remastered and digitized from original 1970s small format analog videotapes shot on the revolutionary Sony Portapak.
Down in the Dumps: A short story of a city-couple buying land, sight-unseen, in the country. The land turns out to be the local dump, where they build a makeshift house while enduing the trash and dumping around them. Featuring Kathy Butterfield and David Rosenblum. Interior scenes directed by Jane Traum. Includes re-scanned and manipulated slow motion and fast motion effects. 1975 - 14:20 min. b&w 1/2” EIAJ analog video.
Zak and Pong: Early video with images of videomaker's son Zachary's face superimposed on a video-game (Pong) while being manipulated with a keyer to experiment with real-time overlays. 1976 - 08:47 min. b&w 1/2” EIAJ analog video.
A Small Self Portrait: The videomaker alone in his studio nearing his 35th birthday while his father was recently diagnosed as being terminally ill. Reflecting on his birthday, upcoming marriage and death of a parent. 1977 - 04:55 min. b&w 1/2” EIAJ analog video and stop-motion Super-8 film.
The True Story of Set Your Chickens Free: An exploration of the song, “Set you Chickens Free” composed by Curry Rinzler and performed by the Beaverland Band, featuring the Sacred Honeys. With an introduction by Curry Rinzler, we follow the band in rehearsal at the True Light Beavers commune, at a recording session for "Feast: A Tribal Cookbook", and in performance at the Sportsman's Tavern. 1977 - 10:33 min. b&w, colorized and color EIAJ 1/2” analog video.
Posters Be Gone: The end of an era – moving from communal living to a stand alone house means leaving the studio and removing the video-related posters. Posters announcing video festivals, talks, conferences, gatherings, events and screenings from throughout the 1970's are stripped from the studio bulletin board. 1979 - 04:27 min. b&w EIAJ analog video.